1A | 2A | 3B | 4B | 5B | 6B | 7B | 8B | 8B | 8B | 1B | 2B | 3A | 4A | 5A | 6A | 7A | 8A |
H Haikokene |
Pākaukau wā | He Hiliuma |
Li Likiuma |
C Karabona Kalapona |
N Naikokene |
O 'Okikene |
Ne Nīane |
Na Sodiuma |
Mg Makanekiuma |
Al 'Aluminuma |
Si Silikone |
P Posoporusa |
S Kūkaepele Sulufura |
Cl Kolorine |
Ar 'Aragona |
K Potasiuma |
Ca Kalipuna |
Mn Manakanika |
Fe |
Co Kobalata Kopalaka |
Ni Nikala |
Cu Kupa |
Zn Kiniki |
As 'Alakenika |
Br Polomine |
Sr Solonokiuma |
Mo Molaibedenuma |
Ag |
Sn |
I 'Iokine |
Ba Bariuma |
Ir 'Ilikiuma |
Pt Palakiniuma |
Au |
Hg |
Pb |
1A |
2A |
3B |
4B |
5B |
6B |
7B |
8B |
8B |
8B |
1B |
2B |
3A |
4A |
5A |
6A |
7A |
8A |
Keoni Kelekolio wrote: Aloha Michael. My name is Keoni Kelekolio, I work with the Hawaiian Lexicon Committee. A colleague of mine has sent me your request for help. At this time, we do not have all the terms necessary for a complete periodic table in Hawaiian. We have names for only 36 of 111 elements. I have seen your Hawaiian periodic table and you already have all the exisiting names. I will bring the matter before the committe, to see if they think these terms are a priority. We do not have the resources at this time to to accomodate all requests, as there are many topics and words that are currently awaiting discussion. If the committee decides to come up with the necessary terms and complete the periodic table, I can send you the rest of the terms. However, this process may take some time and may not be ready for several months. I will let you know of the decision as soon as possible. I have attached a copy of the elements that already have Hawaiian names and have checked spelling. Good luck in your work, Keoni |