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This is jbovlaste, the
lojban dictionary system. This is version 1.0, last changed on Mon Mar 31 01:27:37 PST 2003. All content is public domain. By submitting content, you agree to place it in the public domain to the fullest extent allowed by local law. jbovlaste is an official project of the logical language group, and is now headed by Robin Lee Powell. E-mail him if you have any questions. |
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09.11.2019 09:45:46 code: Unicode (UTF8) Periodickou tabulku v umělém jazyku lojban vytvořil ve finských Helsinkách pan Veijo Vilva. Název prvku v jazyku lojban je vždy uveden pod latinským názvem (klikni pro původní nekompletní tabulku). |