23.03.2005 20:25:37
Peter Armbruster (nar.1931)
Gottfried Münzenberg, Sigurd Hofmann,
Fritz Peter Hessberger, Willibrord Reisdorf and Karl-Heinz
Schmidt, V.
Ninov, H. Folger, H. J. Schött a další z GSI - Darmstadt (Německo) Peter
Armbruster is a scientist emeritus in physics at
GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. He built up and headed the
Nuclear Chemistry Group at GSI that discovered the six
elements between Z = 107 and Z = 112 from 1972 to 1996.
He won the ACS Award for Nuclear Chemistry in 1997
a century ago, Ernest Rutherford showed that the nucleus
of an atom has identical proton and atomic numbers (Z).
The stability of the nucleus and the number of possible
elements then became a question of nuclear physics. The
ratio of two forces--the short-range nuclear force and
the long-range electromagnetic force--determines the
stability of nuclei. The nuclear force keeps nucleons
together, whereas electric repulsion between protons
tries to break the nucleus into smaller pieces. Small
changes in the ratio of the two forces decide whether a
chemical element can or cannot exist.
As Z
increases, the electric repulsion between protons rises
in proportion to the square of their number, whereas the
attractive nuclear forces grow less than linearly with
the total number of nucleons. An energy barrier protects
the atomic nucleus against fission. This barrier becomes
smaller and smaller as Z increases. Danish physicist
Niels Bohr predicted in 1939 that, assuming the nucleus
to be a droplet of nuclear matter, the number of elements
should be limited to about a hundred.
the quantum mechanical order of atomic electrons--the
essence of chemistry--has an equivalent in atomic nuclei.
Nuclear structure, as the order in the chaotic soup of
nucleons is called, gives additional binding energy
compared to a structureless nuclear droplet, and an
increase in the number of possible chemical elements was
predicted in the 1960s. This idea of new superheavy
elements in the range up to Z = 120 stabilized by nuclear
structure inspired nuclear researchers and, in Germany,
led to different initiatives for entering the element-hunting
December 1969, the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung
(GSI) was founded at Darmstadt in order to build a heavy-ion
accelerator and start research on the physics and
chemistry of superheavy elements. This decision led to
the synthesis of six new elements between 1981 (Z = 107)
and 1996 (Z = 112). Their atomic nuclei are strongly
stabilized by the quantum-mechanical order of their
constituents, and they have a barrel-like shape. These
elements are the first superheavy elements. Their nuclei
are protected against spontaneous fission decay by a high
fission barrier built up by the nuclear structure of the
surprising success was a consequence of long-term
planning combined with fortuitous circumstances. At the
start of the project, we had a unique technological base
in Germany. Christoph Schmelzer had started work in the
late 1950s on acceleration of heavy ions, and Heinz Ewald
and I developed and built recoil separators for fission
fragments at nuclear reactors. These were essential
provisions for an accelerator (UNILAC) and a recoil
separator for fusion products (SHIP) to be available by
1975. Both of these--viewed somewhat skeptically by the
outside community--were genuine innovations. UNILAC was
built by the GSI team, and SHIP was designed and built in
collaboration with the University of Giessen by a team
headed by Gottfried Münzenberg. Besides the recoil-separator
technique, new target technology and position-sensitive
silicon-detector techniques were decisive. The successful
team of Münzenberg, Sigurd Hofmann, Fritz Peter
Hessberger, Willibrord Reisdorf and Karl-Heinz Schmidt
synthesized elements Z = 107109 between 1976 and 1989.
vedoucí skupiny Peter Armbruster stojí uprostřed,
tato skupina našla či pomohla najít šest prvků
- transuranů. |
addition to the technological base, new scientific
findings in the 1970s played a major role. Experiments on
reaction mechanisms pursued in all the heavy-ion
laboratories of the time showed that, with increasing
system mass, nuclei fuse more and more rarely. Fusion
leading to superheavy nuclei will be an ever more elusive
reaction channel: Only highly sensitive methods will help
progress. In 1973, Yuri Oganessian and Alexander Demin at
Dubna, Russia, discovered a new way of producing heavy
elements--the fusion of lead and bismuth nuclei with
medium-weight ions in the mass range of 40 to 54. This
method avoids the use of reactor-bred actinide targets
and gives independence from access and availability of
these isotopes. Moreover, the new reaction type--soft
fusion--produces less heated nuclear systems that cool
down by the emission of only one or two neutrons, whereas
the actinide-based reactions--hot fusion--liberate about
four to five neutrons. To survive fission in the de-excitation
of the primary system, soft fusion is highly advantageous.
element bohrium (Bh) was first identified on Feb. 24,
1981, in Darmstadt. A chain of correlated -decays
was registered, allowing for an unambiguous
reconstruction of the isotope 262Bh. The
isotope was produced by fusion of 209Bi and 54Cr
into an excited compound nucleus, which cooled down by
prompt emission of one neutron to 262Bh.
Bohrium transmutes by a chain of time-correlated -decays
within milliseconds to known isotopes of the elements
dubnium, lawrencium, mendelevium, and fermium. So far,
about 70 atoms of 262Bh have been observed and
identified. In 1997, the International Union of Pure
& Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) accepted the proposal to
name the new element with Z = 107 after Bohr.
surprising success was a consequence of long-term
planning combined with fortuitous circumstances."
we know five isotopes of bohrium (with mass numbers 261,
262, 264, 266, and 267); the two heaviest were discov-ered
in 2000 at LBL. All of the isotopes are -emitters,
and their half-lives increase from 12 milliseconds for 261Bh
to 17 seconds for 267Bh. All bohrium isotopes
were identified by time correlations to known isotopes of
lighter elements using single-event detection. For the
odd atomic number element, no spontaneous fission decays
were registered.
simulation of the fusion reaction of two nuclei
for the creation of new elements. |
the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, it was shown
that bohrium is a group 7 element, the big brother of
rhenium, technetium, and manganese. The volatility of
oxychlorides of short-lived isotopes of group 7 elements
could be measured and compared by gas chromatography. As
expected from relativistic calculations of molecular
properties and following the trend in the periodic table
for group 7 elements, bohrium shows the lowest volatility
of its oxychloride compound compared with the lighter
homologs in group 7. Its place in the periodic table is
below rhenium.
the 54Cr projectiles with 58Fe
projectiles opened the way to element 109, meitnerium (Mt).
On Aug. 29, 1982, an 11.1-MeV -particle
correlated within 5 milliseconds to the previously
discovered 262Bh-chain gave evidence for the
first atom of 266Mt. Today, we know two
isotopes of meitnerium (atomic masses of 266 and 268).
They are millisecond -emitters
produced with a few picobarns. The classification of
meitnerium in the periodic table is still open.
element hassium (Hs) was identified first on March 14,
1984, in Darmstadt. A chain of correlated -decays
was registered, allowing for an unambiguous
reconstruction of the isotope 265Hs. The
isotope was produced by fusion of 208Pb and 58Fe
into an excited compound nucleus, which cooled down by
prompt emission of one neutron to 265Hs.
Hassium transmutes to known isotopes of seaborgium,
rutherfordium, nobelium, and fermium. So far, about 40
atoms of 265Hs have been observed and
identified. IUPAC accorded the major credit concerning
discovery to our group and, in 1997, accepted the
proposal to name the new element with Z = 108 hassium
after the state of Hessen (Hassia in Latin).
Darmstadt was the former capital of Hessen, and our
institute wanted to acknowledge the people and the state
that host the institute and help to continuously finance
our costly budgets and the GSI laboratory.
we know six isotopes of hassium (with mass numbers of 264-267,
269, and 270). All isotopes are -emitters.
Their half-lives increase from 0.5 milliseconds for 264Hs
to 21 seconds for 270Hs. All hassium isotopes
were identified by time correlations to known isotopes of
lighter elements using single-event detection. Only the
lightest even-even isotope, 264Hs, has a
spontaneous fission-decay branch. 267Hs was
discovered by fusion of 34S and 238U
in 1994 at Dubna. In 2001, nuclear chemistry groups at
Darmstadt synthesized the isotopes 269, 270Hs
by fusion of 26Mg and 248Cm.
osmium, hassium is expected to form a very volatile
tetraoxide. HsO4 has a deposition temperature
on a thermochromatography column that is higher than its
homolog, OsO4. HsO4 behaves as a
group 8 element, and it is slightly less volatile than
the osmium compound. Its place in the periodic table is
below osmium in group 8.
decay chains of 269Hs were seen before in the
decay of 277112. The agreement of the
thermochromatography experiment with this earlier
experiment indirectly corroborates the discovery of
element 112. The isotope 270Hs has a half-life
of 4 seconds for -decay,
allowing for the application of a radiochemical
separation method. 270Hs is the center of a
shell-stabilized region of deformed superheavy nuclei
having barrel-like shapes.
unexpected disappearance of spontaneous fission decay
beyond rutherfordium and increasing -half-lives
approaching 162-neutron isotopes in the 10-second range
are prerequisites for chemical investigations. Nuclear-structure
physics has allowed the elements up to hassium to enter
the periodic table. The strongest nuclear-shell
corrections ever seen until now for a deformed nucleus
are found in 270Hs. The order of its nucleons
in the barrel-like shape of the nucleus gives -half-lives
that just meet the limits of today's fast chemical
methods applicable to single-atom detection techniques.
number |
Name |
Symbol |
Generation |
of the longest-living Isotope * |
107 |
Bohrium |
Bh |
February 25, 1981 |
17 s |
108 |
Hassium |
Hs |
March 14, 1984 |
14 s |
109 |
Meitnerium |
Mt |
August 29, 1982 |
42 ms |
110 |
Darmstadtium |
Ds |
November 9, 1994 |
56 ms |
111 |
Roentgenium |
Rg |
December 8, 1994 |
6.4 ms |
112 |
prel. Ununbium |
Uub |
February 9, 1996 |
0.6 ms |
isotopes discovered at GSI (status: November 2004)