Skotský chemik a fyzik
Sir James Dewar (1842 - 1923), zabývající
se mimo jiné také zkapalňováním
vzduchu a dalších plynů, potřeboval
pro svoji laboratoř nádobu, v níž by
bylo možné po dlouhou dobu udržet
velmi chladné tekutiny. V roce 1892
vynalezl skleněnou nádobu s dvojitými
stěnami, mezi nimiž vyčerpal vzduch a
otvor zatavil. Věděl, že díky vakuu
zamezí ztrátám tepla vedením a prouděním.
Vyrobil tak termosku - Dewarovu nádobu.
Navíc měl vnitřek "Dewarovy nádoby"
postříbřený povrch, aby se zredukoval
únik chladu vyzařováním.
Sir James Dewar (20.9.1842 -
The youngest of six boys, Dewar was
born and raised in Scotland. By the time
he was fifteen he had lost both parents,
and went to live with his brother. The
following year he went to Edinburgh
University and, after graduation, stayed
on to work as a tutorial assistant to
Professor Playfair. Dewar's first paper
was given by the Professor to the Royal
Society of Edinburgh in 1867 and outlined
a means to represent organic structures
with copper strips and disks, using this
method to suggest several different
possible structures for benzene,
including the correct one.
In 1869 he became a lecturer at the
Royal Veterinary College, and it was here
that he began his life's work on
cryogenics, broken only by a two year
period from 1873 when he became the
Assistant Chemist at the Highland and
Agricultural Society where he analysed
manure and fertilisers. In 1875 he became
Jacksonian Professor at Cambridge, a post
he would hold to his death.
In 1877 he was appointed to the
Fullerian Chair at the Royal Institute in
London, another post he held to his death
and where his best work - specifically
cryogenics - was completed. Although he
had successfully liquefied most gases at
Cambridge, it was in London that this
work continued. In 1877 Louis Caillete
and Raoul Pictet liquefied a small amount
of oxygen, and the following year Dewar
was the first in Britain to do the same,
at a Royal Institution lecture; by 1885
he could fill buckets with it.
In the 1890s he worked to liquefy, and
then solidify, hydrogen. This he had
successfully completed by 1899, and he
was able to cool solids to minus 260
centigrade. He also discovered that most
chemical reactions were adversely
affected by low temperature, with the
exception of fluorine: solid fluorine is
explosive and liquid fluorine sets fire
to wood. In further work, Dewar looked at
phosphorescence at low temperatures, and
worked with Pierre Curie on radium decay
to helium in 1904, the same year that he
was knighted. With John Fleming of
University College London, he
investigated electrical resistance
between +200 and -200° centigrade,
predicting that resistance would
disappear at zero degrees Kelvin (-273.15°
C). This is known as superconductivity.
In the course of his cryogenic work he
invented the vacuum flask. The original
vessel of 1892 was made of glass and was
unsilvered. He wanted to make them from
metal, to be less fragile and easier to
construct, but gas absorbed onto the
surface of the metal spoiled the vacuum.
However, in 1905 he discovered that
charcoal made from coconut husk, when
cooled to -185° centigrade, was very
efficient at absorbing gases. By placing
charcoal into the flask, and cooling it,
he could get the vacuums he needed. He
also realised that painting the inside of
the flask silver could minimise radiation.
The flask was not manufactured for
commercial or domestic use until 1904,
however, when two German glass blowers
formed Thermos GmbH, after the Greek word
'therme' meaning 'hot'.
In the meantime he had served on the
Government Committee on Explosives for
three years from 1888, and with Sir
Frederick Abel invented cordite in 1889,
an explosive that was to prove vital in
the First World War. During the war,
cryogenic research was prohibitively
expensive, so Dewar began working on thin
films - bubbles - to research surface
tension and analyse sound waves. One
bubble lasted 322 days, and another grew
to four feet in diameter. His final work,
in 1921, measured solar radiation, using
sensitive instruments cooled with liquid
oxygen. He died two years later.